First Live Q&A – a success!
I hosted the first Live Q&A chat session on the site today. I would say it was a success, and went just as I might have expected it to. I…
Consultation call summary Sept 2019 – CC001
This week I had the pleasure of speaking with a lady from California about her upcoming move to Ireland. This client of mine is almost certain that she will move…
Q&A: Can I order prescription drugs online in Ireland
Mike from Colorado, who asked about public holidays in Ireland, had another good question, that Americans moving to Ireland might particularly be interested in. In the States mail-order pharmacies are…
Parents: Important vaccination difference between United States and Ireland
Almost weekly throughout the school year my son would come home and announce details of the latest kid in his class to get chickenpox (that's varicella for all your sciencey folk).…
Medication needs when moving internationally
On my list of topics to write about was what considerations need to be given to prescription (and over the counter) medications when you move to Ireland. I'm sure it's…