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Stamp 0 person of independent means questions

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@laneigerThanks, Lori!

Appreciate the recommendation. I'll need to keep on top of things in the coming months as I know time can go by quickly!

Jeanine has been quite helpful and she mentioned that you two connect frequently. Who knows, maybe we can all plan a time to meet in person and enjoy a beverage!

Thanks again and I'm sure I'll be reaching out again for some advice!!

Take care!

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Posts: 23

@countydonegal Thank you, John, for sharing. I just submitted my application, via a solicitor, mid-September. If I receive a response in two months (mid-November), that will work out very nicely.

May I ask what questions arose after you submitted your application? I tried to dot the i's and cross the t's, but one never knows.

Pat Egan
(relocating from Northern California)

Patricia Egan, MBA, MS

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2 of 2 email responses. This one from John.


"Hello Pat,

Not sure if I am the correct John on this conversation but happy to reply regardless.  
The only follow up questions we received with our original submission was regarding a few further details about our health insurance.  
We were just approved for our third consecutive year and the last two filings were very straightforward.  
Best of luck and I’m confident it will go well for you. 

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Thank you, John. This is encouraging. I am pleased that you have now been approved for renewals without difficulty.



Patricia Egan, MBA, MS

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Hi everyone, I have a covid vaccine related question for those here on stamp 0 person of independent means visa.

As one of the criteria for this visa is that you can not access any state medical benefits and must have private insurance, how does it work with the vaccine ? Can you  avail of it for free through the GP or do you have to pay privately for it  (and what does it cost)? My mum (here on stamp 0) got both her initial two doses before she moved over to Ireland but she's soon due her booster. Don't want to mistakenly access a state benefit and jeopardise her visa renewal. Thank you

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I understand the independent means requirement that each person (my wife and I) must have a passive source of income to the amount of 50K Euros per year. However, I have recently been told that each one of us must have a lump sum of cash equal to the average price of a house in Ireland (250k euros). I had previously been told that we would meet the lump sum requirement if we jointly owned a house worth 250k Euros. does anyone have any experience on this issue? Any advice greatly appreciated as we cannot meet the requirement if we both have to have $250K Euro cash/house availability.

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@dalesimmons Dale, we've been here a couple of years, and our understanding, after having our accountant submit several iterations of our finances, is that the equity in a home you own is not counted toward the "lump sum". The powers that be are looking for immediately available funds in the amount of an average home price. Now, your question about that amount being available to each individual or to the couple is one we've not yet had to face. Good luck getting clarification and in your journey to get here! Betsy

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@godiva1 Thanks so much Betsy. Very helpful.

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@dalesimmons i thought Stamp 0 was 50k per person (100k combined). i am relocating with my 12 year old daughter and the attorney said i still had to show the 100k for the two of us even though she is a minor

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@dalesimmons i thought the home equity would suffice.  These are very high requirements.

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