
  • This is a community based website. With that in mind, the most important thing for you to do is - register for an account - this will allow you to ask questions, provide answers, participate in the forum, interact with other users by sending public and private messages, and enjoy the full benefits of the site. It's free, and it'll take just about 30 seconds.
  • Second, explore the content. Join a group. Make a friend by sending a friend request.
  • Next, post a status update from your Activity page. Tell us a little about you, or ask a question. Maybe tell us why you want to come to Ireland, where you're coming from, and what you'd like to find out more about.
  • Then, comment on some of the various posts and updates on the sites. If you know the answer to someone's question, don't be shy. Give them an answer, or even an opinion. Get the conversation going. Tip! You can tag users in your updates, and in the forum, by using the @ symbol + their user ID, e.g. @MoveClubAdmin
  • While you're at it, check out the activity feed, the recent posts, and go say hi to a new member.
  • The Resources Page is also a great place to get started. It'll give you a feel for what moving country entails, and offers some tips for settling in Ireland.

  • Also, sign up for the newsletter. You may receive a brief update once in awhile, and just by you coming back to the site you will be helping it grow.
  • We're in need of.....experts! Have you moved to Ireland? Do you have valuable information you could share? Would you like to write a blog post for the site?. Your input will be greatly appreciated. Contact me here if interested.
  • After you go...Like us on Facebook, and Follow us on Twitter.