Thinking of Importi...
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Thinking of Importing Some Monsters

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We are in the planning stages of moving from Texas to Cork.  There are some things that I really can't do without, one of them is my car collection, which wasn't a huge deal as far as one time costs like shipping and all of that...but then I got to the annual registration costs, which are frankly not too clear, but have me concerned.

I have 2 primary daily drivers

  • 2018 Corvette with a 6.2 liter engine
  • 1978 Rolls Royce with a 6.75 liter engine

If I'm understanding the small bit of info I have found on this topic, it looks like I'll be paying several thousand euro a year for the registration stickers for each car.  I feel like I'm reading something wrong.  Is this a realistic expectation?

I also have several other classic V8's that maybe get driven once every couple of there a tax scheme for occasional use, or am I in for a serious shock?

Honorable Member Admin
Joined: 10 years ago
Posts: 655

Hi Hank,

welcome to the site!

Is your estimate based on a calculation done on the VRT page or Here's the link in case you don't have it

Road tax is pretty high in Ireland. Cars with large engines like yours are dinged pretty hard. Most people drive something in the 1.0-2.0 range.

Contacting some classic car clubs in Ireland may yield some info. I'm sure they must deal with the occasional use scenario all the time. 

I'd like to hear more if you have more info. 

