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Need Irish address for application consideration?

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Hóigh, go léir,

I just graduated with a BS in Food Science, and I have a BA in Foreign Languages (German, Italian, Spanish). I've been trying to immigrate to Ireland since I graduated high school in Tennessee. Scientists qualified in food are on the Critical Skills List, but I'm not finding an economically warm Irish welcome. I read some time ago on another website that Irish employers often won't even consider a job applicant if they don't have an address in Ireland. I'm wondering if other people have heard the same thing. Did anyone in this forum get a job in IE while still resident abroad? If so, what were the circumstances?

Go raibh míle maith agaibh, a chairde,


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If ye are curious, I got these responses to the same question in a subreddit:

That's not true in general, but there is additional trouble, expense, and risk involved in hiring a non-EEA foreign national, so employers will only consider it if your skills, education, or experience make it worthwhile and can't easily be found locally or in the EEA.

Good news is that food science is on the Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List, and since you have the pertinent degree, you should be able to qualify for a Critical Skills employment permit on that basis, assuming you can find a position that pays at least €30k a year. I've no idea how the job market is or what the going salary would be for someone with your experience, but you should be able to look into that easily enough.

Even if you meet the qualifications, expect to spend a lot of time sending out applications and to get a lot of rejections, but you'd probably have a decent shot to find something over here eventually if you keep at it.

And someone left this response to the above:

I'm not sure how far OP will get without a masters degree though. Only having a bachelors for any job in the biological sciences (the occupation list specifies this only very broadly) is not generally advisable for finding a job in Europe. Sounds like her/his only experience in the field is 3 internships. Can only try applying though and see what happens.

Looks like a lot of QA/QC stuff only requires a "degree" but usually requires past experience in this or at least knowledge of the local regulations. Lab technician jobs appear to require, for example, "A third level qualification in Microbiology or a relevant science subject is essential" (whatever that is). And mostly management positions looking for past managerial experience. Technologist jobs want a masters. Anyway there's a shot but I'm concerned that OP sounds sort of entry-level.

I hope this can help anyone in a similar situation as I am. Ádh mór oraibh! Good luck to ye!

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Hi Christian,

Conas ata tu? 

Thanks for sharing the information you found elsewhere. Much of it is unfortunately true. It is hard to find a sponsorship in Ireland as a non-EEA citizen. 

There have been a few people over the years that have mentioned that they got a job from abroad. However many more, ended up in Ireland as a result of a job transfer between e.g. US and Ireland within the same company. 

Best of luck with it. Would love to hear how it works out


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Good day,

I was wondering if what Christian said still applies today. Would it makes things simpler if I moved to Ireland first with a travel visa (well I guess visit would be more applicable here) and continue searching for jobs there since I would be physically there?

