- Based on what I’ve described above, is Stamp 0 something I would be able to qualify for, or is there another visa that is better suited? I've read that they don't want people to work on this visa, but if my income is coming from a US company where I'm just transferring the money I need to live each month from my US bank account, is that ok?
- Is the base savings amount I’ve listed enough? If that’s not enough, does proof of a consistent income stream with xx months of pay stubs sufficient?
- What sort of detail do I need to include for the financials requirement?
My understanding with this visa is that they really just want people for this who have their own income/savings source who won't be a burden on the Irish government, which I feel confident I wouldn't be. I contacted INIS Unit 2 division but haven't heard back yet, so thought I'd check here in case I need to just get the ball rolling sooner rather than later.
Hi Laura,
The stamp 0 rules state that you are not allowed to work while availing of that visa. Does that throw your plans completely out the window?
link to pdf file with terms and conditions: http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Stamp%200%20Further%20Information.pdf/Files/Stamp%200%20Further%20Information.pdf
Thanks, Liam. I read this document before, and my take was that as long as I wasn't working for an Irish company, or trying to run my own business, that I would qualify for this stamp. Perhaps this is splitting hairs; regardless the entire visa sounds relatively subjective in how it's issued.
Laura. Hi. I have spent a lot of time looking at the Stamp 0 issue and agree that much is vague, perhaps deliberately so as I think INIS prefers to look at Stamp 0 applications on a case-by-case basis.
Please note that emails sent to INIS Unit 2 have reportedly taken 2-3 months to receive a response.
In addition to the income requirement of €50,000 per person, please know that there is also a net worth requirement of approx. €150,000. Also, if you apply for a Stamp 0 and wish to use your US company income to support the €50,000 requirement, please know that I have heard that internet-related income may not qualify. Please be careful in describing this income with INIS.
More importantly, please read this draft policy statement issued by INIS in Sept. 2016 but never finalized. It includes a number of changes to existing policy - for better or worse - and may eventually become the final rules in the foreseeable future.
INIS UNIT 2 Emails
I can attest to the fact that getting a response from Unit 2 via email is not a quick process. I emailed them 2 months ago with a quick question and got a reply within a week from a woman named Tina. She didn't really respond to my question directly and instead restated a bunch of content that is mostly on the website.
I then - encouraged by her reply and having a name - sent her an email with several Qs about the Stamp 0. Like Laura and others I've found the requirements listed on the website to be quite vague and was seeking to get additional clarity so my wife and I can submit the best possible application. I have not gotten a response back for over 6 weeks.
Questions about the Stamp 0 Application Process
My wife and I are both 50% Irish (she is actually also applying for citizenship via ancestry but since her birth was not registered with the foreign office - she is asking for an exception). Her grandparents (on her father's side were born and lived in County Mayo).
We are about to submit our application for Stamp 0 - we are wanting to live in Ireland for one School year (September to June) and have our young daughters (9 and 12) to go to school at Raheen Wood Steiner School (raheenwood.org) on Long Derg in County Clare. They are accepted into the school and start in a few weeks. So we are not planning on retiring in Ireland but the Stamp 0 is the only option for a long stay visa in our situation.
My questions to this group is -
1. RESPONSE TURN AROUND: What is the reported or experienced length of time to hear back once you submit a Stamp 0 application? I have read/heard from different sources 6-8 weeks (a woman online) to 6-8 months (the immigration officer in Limerick). It would be really helpful to get a current realistic estimate.
2. FINANCIAL EVALUATION: What is the process of getting our financial documentation certified by an Irish Accountancy firm involve? Can we go to any Irish accountant in Limerick City or do we need one that has been approved by the State to conduct such an evaluation? And what do they need - should we bring in prior year tax reports, bank statements etc? Any one with experience of this part of the process would be super helpful.
3. POLICE CLEARANCE: For the Police Clearance is it enough to provide FBI clearance or do we need to also get clearance from (in our case) California? We have the former but not the latter and getting the latter from abroad takes quite a bit of time (like 2 months).
Thanks. Sean
Sean, best of luck. You are one of the few people I have heard from who are actively in the process of applying for Stamp 0. I personally am waiting for the new rules to be approved so that I can apply with hopefully more confidence in whether I am likely to be approved or rejected. I and others would love for you to keep this group updated on your progress. If you care to reach out to me personally, please email me at callaghan.kevin@yahoo.com so that we can might share some information in greater detail. Kevin
Thanks for the additional responses. I just wanted to share on here some additional information I've received, in case it's helpful for anyone:
Unit 2 responded back to my question about the requirements and was very, very vague. They said up front that this is issued a case-by-case basis, and that there wasn't a set savings requirement.
I've been chatting with an accountant who has done visa-related financials before, and he's confirmed from talking with friends of his in the government that internet-related work doesn't fly for income. He also confirmed that Unit 2 is vague on purpose so they can be flexible about who they decide to issue Stamp 0 visas.
Looks like that takes me out of it, but best of luck to you guys working on the application!
Hi All,
Thank you for sharing the excellent information. I am also looking for applying Stamp 0. I am living in Canada. Can I prepare the documents from Canada and mail to Ireland for consideration?
Laura, instead of describing your income as internet-related, why don't just apply for Stamp 0 and provide proof of income from a tax return and see how it goes? As you said, permission is granted on a case by case basis and INIS may give you some discretion if on balance your application looks favorable. Of course, better to get a professional opinion if you can find an immigration consultant or solicitor you trust.