Citizenship by Desc...
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Citizenship by Descent - how to bring husband and kids

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Hi all, 

Im a new member and have just recently considered submitting my paperwork to get citizenship by descent as my grandmother was born in county of Longford Ireland.  If I obtain citizenship by descent this way, I read that my husband would still need to get a visa by regular process but would have to be married to a citizen for no less than 3 years.  As of today we have only been married for a year and 4 months.  Do we really have to wait an other year and a half or so for him to even submit an application?  And then my alternate question would be - could we move sooner than that even if he does not have citizenship - or would he be unable to work without it anyway?  I was thinking we would be ready to move in about 7 or 8 months if all goes well.  But it would be sad to have to wait closer to 2 years or more.  Thoughts?  Anyone with experience with this?  Thank you so much!

Honorable Member Admin
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Hi Sarah,

First off, welcome, it's great to have you  here.

Can you share where you read that info? I'm not sure it is accurate. Maybe you read info about De Facto partners? There is a number of years requirement on those. 


But yes, your husband would need to apply for residency in Ireland. It is not automatic even if you are an Irish citizen. From what you say, he would most likely go the Stamp 4 route. You most likely can move as soon as you have Irish citizenship, but your husband would not be able to work until the application got approved. 


I recommend reading @mairead 's posts. Her husband Steve went through a similar journey. You can find their advice here


Looking forward to hearing more from you as the move takes shape. 


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Hi Liam!  Thank you for your response! I think I must have misunderstood what I read about spouse requirements, as you indicated above.  I had since run across a friend who has citizenship and she said her husband came with her and they gave him a 90 day stamp when they arrived and then when he goes in for his meeting, they will likely give him a 2-3 year stamp 4 from there. So that lines up with what you indicated above - thank you for clarifying!  

